2023 June Featured Bride

Don’t stress about the small things as most people won’t even notice! Enjoy everything in the moment as the day will fly by! Don’t try to DIY your entire wedding as it can be very stressful. Make sure to ask for help or hire a planner.

A Lemon and Blueberries Inspiration

by Swanee Browning, owner New Braunfels Wedding Guide The following inspiration was a result of a conversation with my friend Mario. Enjoy! “Mario, The Flower

2023 May Featured Bride

My best advice for anyone planning their wedding is to always ask yourself, “Am I making this choice because it makes us happy, or am I trying to make someone else happier?” Never be afraid to do something non-traditional OR go full traditional if that’s your thing. The best parts of our wedding were the parts that meant the most to us and reflected who we were as a couple. Long story short, your day should be filled with things that make the both of you happy and don’t let others’ opinions deter that!

What to Wear as a Wedding Guest

By Rachel Harris Weddings are one of the most important days in a person’s life! The day is full of love, excitement, celebration, and memories.

Planning & Hosting a Bridal Shower

by Rachel Harris Bridal showers are a great way to celebrate with the bride-to-be. Her closest friends and family members “shower” her with attention. It’s

2023 April Featured Bride

My best advice is to have a good team of vendors behind you and nothing else will matter! When getting ready, sit and relax and take in every second of the day. This is your day!